...肉强食”的丛林规则,在这样一种逻辑结构中,西方的二元论得到一种非常极端化的表现;而李石曾特别强调的 互助论 ( mutual aid ),也就是说不但有强权,更须讲公理,此说源自克鲁泡特金,实际上自蒲鲁东以来,已成为西方思想家的一种颇强势的潮流。
mutual aid and support 相互的帮助和支持
Mutual Aid Association 互助会 ; 戒赌者互助会 ; 其宗旨主要不是向会员分配收入
mutual aid money 互助金
mutual aid system 互助制度
mutual aid company 互援消防队
mutual aid fire 消防队互援扑救的火灾
mutual aid resource 互助资源
mutual aid agreement 责任区边界互援协议 ; 互助协议 ; 互助协定
mutual aid model 互助模式 ; 助论
The informal financing behaviors of enterprises can not only meet the demand of fund, but also satisfy the need of mutual aid and cooperation.
参考来源 - 社会资本网络:微小型企业非正规融资的环境基础与动力机制—《金融理论与实践》—2007年第5期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
These were essentially professional associations that provided for the mutual aid and protection of their members, and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards.
Mutual aid was hindered in other ways.
A mutual aid framework could also make the Internet secure in other ways.