我的家乡 ( my hometown ): 一个曾经小桥流水,屋宇深巷的地方; 一个现在飞速发展,日新月异的地方; 一个有我慈母严师,让我每每牵挂的地方; 那里有我的乡土...
学英语每年花多少钱(Annual Expe, 我出生的村落(My Hometown), 初中英语作文如何提高, 秋天(Autumn), 春节(The Spring Festival), 我的朋友小梅(My friend Hsiao-m, 一篇关于爱好的, 我的小书...
Great Changes in My Hometown 家乡的变化 ; 家乡巨变 ; 关于家乡变化 ; 我的家乡发生巨大变化
CIoud in My Hometown 故乡的云
I love my hometown 我爱我的家乡 ; 我爱家乡 ; 我爱我的故乡 ; 我
The Sky In My Hometown 家乡的天空
Changes in My Hometown 家乡的变化 ; 我家乡的变化 ; 在我的家乡变化 ; 在我的家乡的变化
The name of my hometown 我故乡的名字 ; 我家乡的名字
I like my hometown 我爱我的故乡 ; 我很喜欢我的家乡 ; 我爱我的家乡 ; 下一篇
escription of My Hometown 家乡素描 ; 家素描 ; 下一篇
Spring in My Hometown 那年春天 ; 故乡之春 ; 家乡的春天
My hometown used to be very poor.
Wuyang River runs through my hometown, Zhenyuan.
My hometown, Kunming, is famous for fresh flowers.
"I had a Russian coach in my hometown in Turkey and he was a very talented coach which helped me out a lot to grow and become a good Tennis player and as I kept on playing and playing I realized that I was a competitive player and it opened up many doors for me,".
VOA: standard.2009.12.14
so I'm going to begin by showing you a very personal look at my hometown, a bus ride.
I felt like, in my hometown of Huston, it was cool, special, and different that I was an actor.