... 由于汽车的增加 » As the car increase 我的他在那里 » My Where is he 当他结束通话之后 » When he calls after the end ...
Presently the father came home and sat down to his dinner; he asked, "Where is my son?"
He attitude defines callousness and he lives in a world of own, where the mantra is' it's my way or the highway '.
and he cleans all the pieces embosses them and polishes them and then reassembles the whole thing and a week later I come back and ask "Where is my watch?" And he hands it to me.
Oh, there's a man at the store and now we have a loop where he is just looking through my inventory one at a time and reciting what it is I actually picked up.
and he cleans all the pieces embosses them and polishes them and then reassembles the whole thing and a week later I come back and ask "Where is my watch?" And he hands it to me.