收集过关于钢笔的资料,有这样两只号称世上最昂贵的笔,分别是: 神秘巨匠 ( Mystery Masterpiece )和Aurora。 神秘巨匠 ,整个笔身共镶嵌了840 颗钻石和20 克拉的宝石。
...同庆百年盛典,将双方享誉盛名的制笔及珠宝镶嵌工艺融会一体,创制出史无前例的华贵名笔典型:神秘大师 (Mystery Masterpiece)限量系列。神秘大师系列备有红宝石、蓝宝石及祖母绿三款设计,各限量生产三支;而镶嵌红宝石的款式已于2006年12月率先亮相。
Mystery Masterpiece The 神秘杰作之月光石
Mystery Masterpiece The M 神秘杰作之月光石
Mystery Masterpiece The Moonstone 月长石 ; 神秘杰作之月光石 ; 月光宝石
But the Mona Lisa was at the centre of a new mystery yesterday after art detectives took a fresh look at the masterpiece - and noticed something in her eyes.
When working with the intention of excellence becomes a habit with you, you will understand that the masterpiece is not a mystery and not an accident, but that it is the byproduct of a way of life.
一旦力求完美成为你的习惯, 你就会领悟到杰作并不神秘,也绝非偶然,而是一种生活方式的结果。
When working with the intention of excellence becomes a habit with you, you will understand that the masterpiece is not a mystery and not an accident, but that it is the by-product of a way of life.