粘剂等 中文名:丙烯酸丁酯 英文名:n-b 生产厂家: 广州市天河区大观宝雄经营部 供应上海华谊99.5%丙烯酸丁酯(图)-厂家山东济南世纪通达化工 长期上海华谊99.5%丙烯酸丁酯(图)由济
丁酰胺;Butanamide;butanimidic acid;n-butylamide;n-b…… 3-氧代丁酰胺;1,3-丁二酮胺;丁酮酰胺;乙酰乙酰胺;乙酰基乙酰胺;Butanamide, 3……
the CHEMICAL SYMBOL for niobium 铌
In the case of France, there is the work of a brilliant military engineer called Vauban, v-a-u-b-a-n.
至于法国,这里有一位杰出的军事工程师的作品,工程师名叫 Vauban,v-a-u-b-a-n。
The basketball court, DeSagana Diop explains, is in Parcelles Assainies, the neighborhood in which he grew up in Dakar and the unlikely starting point for a nine-year N. B. A. career.
这个篮球场,据迪奥普介绍,位于与达喀尔邻近的帕萨雷斯阿萨尼斯(Parcelles Assainies),这里是他生长的地方,也是他九年NBA生涯不可想象的起点。
This year, the N. B. A. named Dikembe Mutombo its global ambassador.