Microsoft Word - 1王丽梅.doc 关键词: 玉米;水、氮供应;干物质和氮素累积;分配 [gap=3151]Key words: maize; water and N supply; N and dry matter accumulation; distribution
Result showed that HPE maize performed a higher N and K absorption efficiency in low P regiment, its N, K absorption and dry matter accumulation were less affected by low P supply.
结果表明,磷高效利用型玉米 氮钾素吸收和干物质积累受低磷处理的影响较 小,表现出对 氮、钾的高效吸收。
A solution culture experiment was conducted to study the dynamics of dry matter accumulation and n, p, K absorption by flue-cured tobacco under different boron concentration.
There was a close relationship between the nutrient uptake and distribution of N, P, K and the accumulation and distribution of dry matter.