Actually, the information contained by the interface name and function name called disappear at compile time, all that is left is a numeric offset from an as of yet value unspecified pointer.
As these are note built-in functions, you have to specify the module and function name (see Listing 21).
You can create and name a function or create a nameless function, as I've done.
I could imagine writing another function for same point, and I have to give it a name like same point polar, and same point Cartesian.
The only thing that you have to put in the function prototype, ; again, is three things; one, the name of the function; the return value; and its arguments.
Let me write a function, in fact the literal thing I would do is to say, identify the things that change, give each of them a variable name because I want to refer to them, and then write a function that captures the rest of that computation just with those variable names inside.