全球闪存储存(NAND flash storage)解决方案领导厂商多利吉科技(酷睿Solid Storage),为TDK公司在台成立、针对工业及企业级用户需求研发与营销的专业存储产品公司,...
Micron is one of the world's largest companies focused on memory, storage and imaging semiconductor products-from DRAM to NAND Flash to CMOS image sensors.
Then the programming process, which is the difference between NAND FLASH and other storage media, is discussed. In the same time, the erase operation is also introduced.
讨论了NAND FLASH的写操作过程,这种写操作的特点也是FLASH有别于其它存储介质的地方,同时也对NAND FLASH的擦除操作做了介绍;