nanotechnology and regenerative medicine
英国伦敦学院就读纳米技术和再生医学(Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine)专业将获得理学硕士学位,要就读伦敦学院业需要雅思或托福成绩,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,要求托福成绩总分为92,申请该专业就读需...
• 纳米技术和修复医学,Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine • 应用小儿神经心理学,Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology ..
nanotechnology and regenerative medicine
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In his speech, Mr Osborne set out seven further areas where the government thinks Britain is a world leader and can and must go further: computing, synthetic biology, regenerative medicine, agricultural science, energy storage, robotics and advanced materials including nanotechnology.
BBC: Space spending to be increased by ?60m a year
However, he warned against focussing disproportionately on the eight areas of excellence outlined by the Chancellor in November ("big data" computing, synthetic biology, regenerative medicine, agricultural science, energy storage, space, robotics and advanced materials including nanotechnology).
BBC: Autumn Statement: Science gets ?600m injection