美国国防大学(National Defence University)的经济学家Inder Jit Singh在乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)最近举行的一次有关中印关系的会议上说,首先,印度经...
Miklos Zrinyi National Defence University 组织者
National University of Defence Technology 国防科技大学 ; 国防科大
以上来源于: WordNet
Jin is the head of a strategy institute at China's National Defence University.
"We operate in five domains: air, land, sea, outer space and cyberspace," says Dan Kuehl, a professor of information operations at the National Defence University in Washington.
“我们在五大领域作战:水、陆、空、外太空和网络空间。” 华盛顿国防大学的信息作战教授丹屈尔说,“我们的工作越来越依靠网络空间;
Kansas State University, on the western edge of the corridor, is among five sites being considered for the National Bio and Agro-Defence Facility.
位居走廊西部边缘的堪萨斯州立大学也纳入了国家生物与农业防卫中心(National Bio and Agro - Defence Facility)考虑的五块选址之中。