national gallery of scotland
苏格兰国家美术馆(National Gallery of Scotland)是收藏了从文艺复兴到后印象派时期作品最大的美术馆,也是世界上空间尺寸最好的美术馆之一。画廊的建筑具有新古典主义风格。
苏格兰国家画廊(National Gallery of Scotland) 位于王子街公园东西两园区之间,地处南北新老城区通道,背依古城堡,前面是一片广场,是游人必到之处。
从史考特纪念塔往下走,不到五分钟就可以发现有栋古希腊风格的神殿建筑,就是苏格兰国家艺廊(National Gallery of Scotland),独特的外观很快就会吸引住目光,是个油画展馆,收藏了好几个世纪的著名油画,当然更特别保有苏格兰当地的画家作品,让对画作有...
... 爱丁堡-荷里路德宫(Palace of Holyroodhouse) 爱丁堡-圣吉尔斯大教堂(St Giles' Cathedral) 爱丁堡-苏格兰国立美术馆(National Gallery of Scotland) ...
national gallery of scotland
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The most-visited free attractions after Kelvingrove were the National Gallery of Scotland and the National Museum of Scotland.
BBC: Museum is top visitor attraction
The National Gallery of Scotland was closed by a security staff strike, while only the ground floors of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, the Scottish Portrait Gallery and the Dean Gallery were open.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Civil servants take strike action
As a result of lottery lolly the National Portrait Gallery, the Museum of Scotland, the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, the Dulwich Picture Gallery, the Wallace Collection and many others have had a makeover, bringing them up to modern standards in terms of access, educational facilities, exhibition space and more.
ECONOMIST: Gambling with public money