The 5,800-processor, 3.9 teraflop system (with 2.6 trillion bytes of memory) was built in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to simulate the physics involved in nuclear reactions.
这个拥有5,800个处理器、3.9 teraflop运算能力的系统(有2.6万亿字节的内存)是与Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory合作构建的,为的是模拟核反应的物理过程。
"These results are certainly tantalizing," said Nigel Lockyer, director of Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF.
对此,加拿大国家粒子与核物理实验室主管奈杰尔·洛克说:“费米实验室研究小组的发现令人兴奋,但现在就肯定结果还为时过早。 一方面,需要明确的证据来解释一些问题;而另一方面,能解释这种微妙现象的其他替代原因,也能列出一长串清单。”
France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research collaborated with Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.
法国国家核和粒子物理研究组织与意大利gran Sasso国家实验室在CERN在此实验上合作。