...20th Century Korea" (20 世纪初期韩国佛教徒对基督教的态度) 讲者:Kim Jong-In, 韩国国立釜山大学 (National Pusan University) 教授 C、题目: Scientific Quantification of Happiness to Validate Nirvana and to Offer a Value System Alternative to Mon...
Kwanghee Lee of Pusan National University, in South Korea, and Alan Heeger of the University of California, Santa Barbara, work on solar cells made of electrically conductive plastics.
韩国釜山国立大学的Kwanghee Lee和加州大学Santa Barbara分校的Alan Heeger从事研究用导电塑料制作太阳能电池。
Finally, we Pusan National University to win the championship.