natural immunity 自然免疫力 ; 自然免疫 ; [免疫] 天然免疫 ; 先天免疫
natural passive immunity 自然被动免疫 ; 天然性被动免疫 ; 天然被动免疫
natural active immunity 自然自动免疫 ; 天然性自动免疫 ; 天然主动免疫
non-specific natural immunity detail 非特异性天然免疫
natural acquired immunity 天然获得性免疫
Natural antibac terial immunity 天然抗菌力
immunity natural 天然免疫
natural antitoxic immunity 天然抗毒免疫 ; 天然抗毒力
As people would have no natural immunity, a new influenza virus could cause widespread death, illness, social and economic disruption.
But knowing how much natural immunity has been acquired through infection is more difficult, especially given the very mild nature of illness in the vast majority of patients.
Humans have had no opportunity to develop a natural immunity.