定义 中文名称: 自然循环锅炉 英文名称: natural circulation boiler 定义: 依靠炉外下降管(不受热)中的水与炉内上升管(受热)中工质之间的密度差来推动水循环的锅筒锅炉。 应用学科: 电力(一级学科); 锅炉(二级学科)
natural circulation boiler reactor 自然循环沸腾反应堆
natural circulation boiler startup 自然循环锅炉起动
sub-critical natural circulation boiler 亚临界自然循环锅炉
start-up for natural circulation boiler 自然循环锅炉的起动
natural circulation waste-heat boiler 自然循环废热锅炉
natural l circulation boiler 自然循环锅炉
natural l circulation waste-heat boiler 自然循环废热锅炉
natural circulation hot-water boiler 自然循环热水锅炉
以上来源于: WordNet
The 300mw subcritical pressure natural circulation boiler fired coal is described in detail.
Paper gives a brief description of the design features and operation experience of the first 300mw natural circulation boiler manufactured in China.
In evaporating system design of large subcritical pressure natural circulation boiler sometime expensive rifled tube will be used unavoidably in part, so that the film boiling Can be avoided.