...究报告,伦敦大学帝国学院的研究人员Dr Hugh Brady等发现了能够使造血干细胞分化为自然杀伤细胞(Natural Killer cells NK cells) 的主导基因--E4bp4基因。
The genes in question control a type of white blood cell known as natural killer cells, or NK cells.
斯坦福大学的研究者们提出的这项假设发人深思,甚至出人意料。 他们所说的基因控制了一种被称为自然杀手细胞(NK细胞)的白血球细胞。
Different types of receptors expressed by natural killer (NK) cells may selectively recognize their specific ligands on some other cells and provide self-regulatory signals to control NK responses.
The factor was released from immune cells called natural killer (NK) cells in the liver, but only if another immune cell, the macrophage, was present.