Seike navel orange 清家脐橙
Zigui navel orange 秭归脐橙
navel orange yield 脐橙产量
Banauga navel orange 朋娜脐橙
There was a few effects on cell-wall metalbolism and pericarp character in‘Newhall’than‘Cara Cara’navel orange,and there have no significant difference in pitting fruit rate of‘Newhall’between KH2PO4 foliar application and control.
参考来源 - 磷酸二氢钾对脐橙陷痕果发生及果皮细胞壁代谢的影响In this experiment,the automatic potentiometrer titrator was employed to determine the content of vitamin C of fresh juices of apple,navel orange and kiwifruit.
参考来源 - 利用自动电位滴定法测定果汁中维生素C含量·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N a sweet orange that is usually seedless and has at its apex a navel-like depression enclosing an underdeveloped secondary fruit (无籽)脐橘
Another fruit subject to such human-assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.
Welcome you to taste an orange Chinese town has the reputation of the letter Navel orange!
New year was approaching, the company sent Navel Orange to customers in order to express gratitude to them.