The synthesized CD ns-TiO_2 films absorb well into the visible light to near infrared region up to 800 nm and have narrower band gap energy of 1.98(628 nm),1.64(758 nm)and 1.26 eV(958 nm).
CD ns-TiO_2复合膜将吸收光谱从可见区扩大到800nm的近红外区,并有三个比较小的带隙:1.98(628nm)、1.64(758nm)、1.26(958nm)eV。
参考来源 - 太阳能电池掺碳纳米结构TiO·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The spectral characteristics of borneol in near infrared region were investigated in this paper.
In the solar and near infrared region it is more usual to speak of absorptivity than emissivity.
Among the ranges, the near infrared region is commonly used to assess the change of vegetation cover and water quality.