Nearest Neighbour 最近邻聚类 ; 又称最近邻 ; 工具都提供了最近邻居 ; 并利用最近邻居
nearest neighbour classification [计] 最近邻域分类
Nearest Neighbour Interpolation 最邻近插值 ; 最近邻插值
nearest neighbour decoding [计] 最邻近译码
nearest-neighbour decision rule [计] 最邻近区决策规则
Nearest Neighbour Classifier 最近邻分类器 ; 近邻分类器
nearest neighbour classification rule [计] 最邻近分类规则
Britain's nearest neighbour is France.
Since 1962 more than 30 spacecraft have made the trip to Venus, seeking to understand Earth's nearest neighbour and so-called twin planet.
Its national income per head is already higher than Spain's and New Zealand's, and five times that of its nearest neighbour, Malaysia.