...ill (1987)认为员工个人的社会情绪需求一般织支持下的员工义务感是根据组织决策的历史记 包括 : 自尊需求 (need for esteem ) 、情感需求 (need录,一些是员工的直接上级 , 另外一些是过去的上 for affiliation )和情绪支持需求 (need for emotional...
Need for self-esteem 尊重需要
For some alcohol abusers, psychological traits such as impulsiveness, low self-esteem, and a need for approval prompt inappropriate drinking.
Being out of work for a long time is so hard on your self-esteem that you need a regular dose of encouragement from friends, former colleagues and bosses, and relatives who are on your side.
If you don't feel good about yourself, then you need to work on that before seeking a relationship, as people generally don't look for someone with low self-esteem.
We tend to look at human behavior as a matter of providing rational incentives for human action while most people, in fact, are driven by a need for esteem and a desire to avoid humiliation.