needle biopsy 针吸活组织检查 ; 穿刺活检 ; 针穿活检 ; 针刺活检
core needle biopsy 活检 ; 粗针穿刺活检 ; 粗针切片 ; 空芯针活检
fine needle biopsy 细针活检 ; 针吸活组织检查细针
Fine needle biopsy cytology 细针吸取细胞学
Percutaneous needle biopsy 经皮穿刺活检 ; 经皮针刺活检术
cutting needle biopsy 针刺细切活检
stereotactic needle biopsy 实体﹝三维定位﹞针头抽样检查
Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy 超声引导空芯针穿刺
Vim-Silverman needle biopsy 维姆
core needle biopsy gallbladder 胆囊芯针吸活组织检查
Next time, if God forbid there is one, she'll press for a needle biopsy-and she'll ask more questions if her doctor recommends otherwise.
Weissleder hopes the device would allow a doctor to test a needle biopsy sample within minutes of collecting it and tell the patient the results as soon as he or she awakes from the procedure.
Weissleder希望微型核磁共振机将帮助医生在不到一小时内完成采集和检测一个针头大小的活体样本, 这样当患者从采集过程的昏睡中苏醒的时候, 就能得知检测结果了.
All previously described cases of MCC regression without any treatment were also noticed after needle biopsy.