... Power supply system design 供电系统设计; 供配电设计方案 收藏 negative-sequence power 负序功率 收藏 Power electranics 电力电子 收藏 ...
negative sequence power direction relay 负序功率方向保护
negative sequence power directional relay 负序功率方向继电器
Negative sequence power flow 负序潮流
negative sequence power relay 负序方向元件
negative-sequence power direction 负序功率方向
negative sequence power direction 负序功率方向
This paper analyses the problem of reactive-current and negative-sequence power general compensation.
The paper proposes a novel shunt reactors turn-to-turn fault protection that is based on negative-sequence power direction theory.
With the substantial growth of power electronic devices and unbalanced loads in power systems, the outcoming harmonics and negative sequence endanger the running safety of the generators seriously.