negative-positive symptoms 阴性阳性症状
Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale 阳性与阴性症状量表 ; 症状量表 ; 和阴性症状量表 ; 阴性症状量表
negative and positive symptoms 精神病阴性阳性症状
People with more positive emotional states were less likely to suffer or complain about symptoms of the cold than people with negative emotional states.
All the patients were evaluated with the positive and negative symptoms scale (PANSS) and WHO Quality of Life Survey (WHOQOL 100) before treatment and 1 year after discharge.
于治疗前、出院1年后采用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)及生活质量量表(WHOQOL - 100)进行精神症状和生活质量的评定。
Symptoms were measured with the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS).