... negative adj.否定的;消极的;[数学]负的 n.否定;拒绝;[数学]负数 neglectful adj.疏忽的;不小心的 negligible adj.可忽略的;无关紧要的 ...
疏忽大意 neglectful 疏忽的 inadvertent, inattentive, inobservant, neglectful, negligent, remiss, slack ..
Be Neglectful And Careless 疏忽大意
be neglectful of 毫不介意
neglectful l 疏忽的
Neglectful personal appearance 不注意仪表
Or Neglectful 玩忽职守
neglectful style 第四种为放任型
ADJ If you describe someone as neglectful, you think they fail to do everything they should do to take care of someone or something properly. 失职的
...neglectful parents.
ADJ If someone is neglectful of something, they do not give it the attention or consideration that it should be given. 忽视的 [oft v-link ADJ 'of' n]
Have I been neglectful of my friend, taking him for granted?