[ 第三人称单数 negotiates 现在分词 negotiating 过去式 negotiated 过去分词 negotiated ]
CNN News:奥巴马会见以总理内塔尼亚胡 分歧很大(3) ... indefensible adj. 站不住脚的;不能防卫的;无辩护余地的 negotiate vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过 palpable adj. 明显的;可感知的;易觉察的 ...
Auto Negotiate 自动协商
negotiate e 谈判 ; 交涉 ; 商议 ; 商谈
negotiate amount 议付金额
Negotiate Position 协调位置
negotiate into 说服干 ; 通过谈判…进入
negotiate artistically 富有艺术创造力地磋商
negotiate commercially 贸易上磋商
V-RECIP If people negotiate with each other or negotiate an agreement, they talk about a problem or a situation such as a business arrangement in order to solve the problem or complete the arrangement. 谈判
It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.
When you have two adversaries negotiating, you need to be on neutral territory.
The local government and the army negotiated a truce.
Western governments have this week urged him to negotiate and avoid force.
V-T If you negotiate an area of land, a place, or an obstacle, you successfully travel across it or around it. 成功越过
Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
I negotiated the corner on my motorcycle and pulled to a stop.