neonatal death 新生儿死亡
neonatal death from abuse 新生儿虐待死
Neonatal Death Ratio 新生儿死亡比
Neonatal Death Cause 探讨新生儿死亡原因
NND neonatal death 新生仔畜死亡
neonatal death rate 新生儿死亡率
early neonatal death 早期新生儿死亡
causes of neonatal death 新生儿死因
due to radiation neonatal death 照射引起的新生儿死亡
neonatal l death 新生儿死亡
Iron and folic acid supplementation during pregnancy in Indonesia significantly reduced the risk of early neonatal death and could also do so in other low - and middle-income countries.
In pregnant women with untreated early syphilis, 25% of pregnancies result in stillbirth and 14% in neonatal death.
Of the 20 countries with the highest maternal mortality ratios worldwide, 19 are in Africa; and the Region has the highest neonatal death rate in the world.