nerve deafness [耳鼻喉] 神经性耳聋 ; [耳鼻喉] 神经性聋
late nerve deafness 中后期神经性耳聋
eighth nerve deafness 听神经性耳聋
congenital nerve deafness 先天性神经性耳聋
dominant progressive nerve deafness 显性遗传性进行性神经性聋
hereditary nephritis-nerve deafness syndrome 神经性耳聋综合征
Nerve conduction deafness 神经传导性聋
In 1968 an army medical team began applying acupuncture, the ancient Chinese medical practice of stimulating certain nerve points with needles, to the cure of deafness.
The electro-audiogram shows that yours is a type of nerve deafness ( conduction deafness, mixed type deafness).
The electro-audiogram shows that yours is a type of nerve deafness ( conduction deafness, mixed type deafness).