nerve plexus [解剖] 神经丛
nerve plexus lesions 神经丛损害
nerve plexus block 神经丛阻滞
myenteric nerve plexus 肌间神经丛
pelvic autonomic nerve plexus 自主神经丛 ; 盆腔自主神经丛 ; 成盆自主神经丛
sciatic nerve plexus lesions 坐骨神经丛损害
nerve trunk&nerve plexus block 神经干及神经丛阻滞
pain or coccygeal nerve plexus 尾神经丛痛
nerve plexus and nerve block 神经丛及神经阻滞
digestive nerve plexus 消化神经丛
During my first year as a medical student, however, I stood over a cadaver and learned about the eponymous lymph, artery and vein, contained within, plus parts of the brachial nerve plexus.
Patients who have received an ankle block, brachial plexus block, or peripheral nerve block may be discharged despite the persistence of residual anesthesia or paresthesias.
Brachial plexus; Nerve block; Local anesthesia; Nerve stimulator.