net plankton [生物] 网采浮游生物 ; 网获性浮游生物 ; 小浮游生物
plankton net [生物] 浮游生物网 ; 浮游生物采集网
plankton tow net 浮游生物拖网
pressure-operated plankton net 压力开关浮游生物网
tripping device for plankton net 浮游生物网闭锁器
net phyto-plankton 网采浮游植物
open plankton net 开口浮游生物
operated plankton net 压力开关浮游生物网
standard plankton net 标准浮游生物网
We placed a plankton net in our rear, waited five minutes, and then hauled in a cornucopia of living things.
The single-celled diatoms below—the likes of which are found in oceans worldwide—were collected with a plankton net in San Francisco Bay.