abstract:Net Economic Welfare is a proposed national income measure that attempts to put a value on the costs of pollution, crime, congestion, and other 'negative' spinoffs, in order to find a better measure of true national income. To date, it has not been widely adopted.
One study found that in a community where a casino was located, there was a 12% to 17% drop in welfare payments and another study commissioned by the National Research Council found a neteconomic gain to some of these same communities.
The DPJ promised more welfare spending and a better social safety net, but has struggled to deliver amid the economic downturn and 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Rather than advocating high levels of spending and redistribution to compensate the inequality caused by economic failure, it planned to promote education and training and transform the welfare state from a passive safety net to an active 'springboard' of opportunity (Annesley, 2001, 204).