... net tangible assets (有形资产净额), in relation to an insurer or a company, means the surplus of the total tangible assets value of the insurer or company...
截至2006年11月30日,越南南部商业银行未经审核的净有形资产(Net Tangible Assets),约1亿5800万新元,发行资本(issued capital)约1亿2400万新元。
RECEIVED B/L received for s你好pment bill of lading 待装云提单 NTA net tangible assets 有形资产净价值 R/A refer to acceptor 洽询(汇票)承兑人 ..
net tangible assets per share 每股有形资产净值 ; 每股净有形资产值 ; 每股净有形资产
adjusted net tangible assets 调整后有形资产净值 ; 经调整有形资产净值 ; 调整后现值
combined net tangible assets 合并有形资产净值
TA net tangible assets 有形资产净值
haha net tangible assets 有形资产净值
haha combined net tangible assets 合并有形资产净值
NTA net tangible assets 有形资产净值
NTB net tangible assets 有形资产净值
net tangible assets ratio 有形资产净额比率
Remember, however, that See's had net tangible assets of only $8 million.
Net tangible assets calculated as total assets minus in tangible assets and liabilities.
When we purchased See's in 1972, it will be recalled, it was earning about $2 million on $8 million of net tangible assets.