网络层安全协议 英文名称: Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Network layer security protocol 版本: 附注: 标准状态: 现行 载体: 加工电子 中国标准分类: 【L79】 国际标准分类(ICS): 【35.10..
NLS Network Layer Signaling 网络层信令(模块) NLSP Network Layer Security Protocol 网络层安全性协议 NLTS Network Load Test System 网络负载测试系统 ..
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is a cryptographic protocol that provides privacy and security for data communication over the network.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)协议是一种加密协议,可为网络上的数据通信提供隐私和安全保障。
IPSEC protocol is a kind of network security standard which is framed by IETF organization for safe communication, and it can be used to provide security protection for IP and higher layer protocols.