...资料文库 关键词 中立型时滞微分方程; 振动性; Riccati不等式; 非线性 [gap=482]Key words neutral delay differential equation; oscillation; Riccati inequality; nonlinear ...
Impulsive neutral delay differential equation 脉冲中立型时滞微分方程
neutral type delay differential equation 中立型延迟微分方程
neutral delay parabolic differential equation 中立型时滞抛物方程
generalized neutral delay differential-algebraic equation 广义中立型延时微分代数系统
Established a linearized oscillation result of the second order nonlinear neutral delay differential equation with positive and negative coefficients.
The monotone iterative techniques is used to investigate the existence of extremal solution of periodic boundary value problems (PBVP) for neutral delay differential equation.
Considering a kind of neutral delay differential equations, a sufficient condition for the oscillation of all solutions of neutral delay differential equation in critical state is obtained.