nevus of Ota 太田痣 ; 太田
nevus flammeus 鲜红斑痣 ; 焰色痣 ; 火焰痣 ; 葡萄酒色痣
pigmented nevus 色素痣 ; 黑素细胞痣
epidermal nevus 表皮痣 ; 表皮母斑
sebaceous nevus 皮脂腺痣
intradermal nevus [皮肤] 皮内痣 ; 真皮内痣 ; 真皮母斑
Nevus of Ito 伊藤痣
nevus anemicus 贫血痣
comedo nevus 黑头粉刺痣 ; 专业资料 ; 粉刺样痣
N any congenital growth or pigmented blemish on the skin; birthmark or mole 痣
Assess the effect of aloe glue on relieving pain and after laser treatment of nevus of Ota and nevus flammeus.
To provide a new thought to study on morphology of nevus .
This method is very effective in the treatment of Ota nevus.