the new rich 新贵
New Rich Shipping Ltd 被告新丰航运有限公司
new rich 暴发户 ; 新富
New Rich Port 新富港中心
new rich class 新富阶层
New Rich Chili 盛产辣椒
Modern New Rich 摩登新贵
upstar- new rich 暴发户
Furthermore, they are mainly new rich, with a rather short history of luxury consumption.
The New Rich are those who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the New Rich: time and mobility.
Don Fabrizio, Prince of Salina, sees his new rich neighbours snapping up parcels of land from destitute nobles, and knows that his own inheritance is going to ruin.
"GAVI's goal over the next five years, by twenty-fifteen, is to immunize millions more children and save an additional four million children's lives, purely by providing basic vaccines against diseases that are basically almost non-existent in rich countries, as well as providing new vaccines against pneumonia,diarrheal diseases and then hopefully HPV and some other vaccine-preventable diseases."
VOA: special.2011.06.15