Nash)、豪尔绍尼 (Harsanyi)、泽尔腾(Selten) 主要观点:提出了新产业组织(New Industrial Organization)理论 运用博弈论分析多个企业之间的相互影响 非合作博弈成为分析企业之间策略行为的基本工具 企业可以通过非市场的制度安排(如合...
New Industrial Organization Theory 新产业组织理论
new industrial organization theories 新产业组织理论
New Empirical Industrial Organization 新实证产业组织 ; 新经验主义产业组织学 ; 新经验产业组织理论 ; 理论
new empiricism industrial organization 新经验主义产业组织学
A new agency, the Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, has launched a five-year project to improve safety standards for the machines.
The country's main industrial research organization thinks Queensland and northern New South Wales together have about 200 years' worth of gas at current rates of production.
The structure of the industrial organization that is centralization & decentralization, the unification & the diversification in a country has the new expression under the globalization.