After breakfast, dazed by the camera but, as always, polite, Snoopy sat on a desk at the Casper Humane Society and obligingly3 cocked her head and showed off the new leash that was a gift from Cathy.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog -- on a leash, being carried in a bag or even being pushed along in a stroller.
漫步在纽约的豪华社区就会发现,每两个人中就有一人在遛狗,甚至有人把狗装在手提袋里,或是用手推车推着自己的爱犬。 宾德介绍说,人们对宠物的宠爱也是无奇不有。