Earlier Thursday, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said that total Wall Street bonuses totaled $18.4 billion last year.
周四早些时候,纽约州审计长狄纳波里(Thomas DiNapoli)说,去年华尔街的奖金总额达到184亿美元。
New York City's securities industry grew by 3,600 jobs in September, the biggest increase since 2002, according to a report by the New York State Comptroller.
约州审计署(New York State Comptroller)一份报告显示,9月份纽约证券行业岗位数量增长3600个,增长幅度为2002年以来最大。
'Wall Street is recovering more quickly than first anticipated,' New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said Tuesday, adding that 'job losses probably will not be as severe as we first projected.'
纽约州审计长迪纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)周二表示,华尔街的复元速度超出预想,失业情况可能不会有我们起初预计的那样严重。