Newborn Baby 新生儿 ; 也喻指新生的事物 ; 刚生下来的婴儿
a newborn baby 赤子 ; 新生婴儿 ; 一名新生婴儿 ; 初生婴儿
my newborn baby 我的新生小孩图片
Newborn Baby Disease 新生儿病
Newborn baby girl clothes 新生女婴服装
newborn baby tub bath 新生儿盆浴
The Newborn Baby 开心一笑新宝宝 ; 新生儿
Newborn baby ward 新生儿病房
Only basic instincts are carried in the genes of a newborn baby, other skills being learned from others in the community as the child grows up.
The electronic sensor has been adapted to fit on a newborn baby.
The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby.