...锵:《语言学是什么》,北京大学出版社,2007 徐通锵:《历史语言学》,商务印书馆,1991 尼古拉斯·奥斯特勒(Nicholas Ostler):《语言帝国——世界语言史》,章璐等译,上海人民出 版社,2009 朱光潜:《诗论》,三联书店,1984 葛兰言(Marcel Granet):...
语言专家尼古拉斯·奥斯特协(Nicholas Ostler),《语言帝国》(Empires of the Word)的作者,对拉丁语如何支配后来的文化和语言给出了证据确凿的说明,令人印象深刻。
以上来源于: WordNet
But Nicholas Ostler, a scholar of the rise and fall of languages, makes a surprising prediction in his latest book: the days of English as the world's lingua-franca may be numbered.
但是Nicholas Ostler,一位研究语言兴衰的学者在他的最新著作中做出了大胆的预测,那就是英语作为通用语的日子已经屈指可数了。
But Nicholas Ostler, a scholar of the rise and fall of languages, makes a surprising prediction in his latest book: the days of English as the world's lingua-franca may be numbered.