nickel chromium steel [材] 镍铬钢 ; 铬镍钢 ; 镍铬钢镍铬钢
Chromium Nickel Steel 高强度耐蚀铬镍钢 ; 铬镍钢 ; 高强度耐蚀铬镍合金钢
Chromium-Nickel Steel 铬镍钢 ; 铬镍合金钢
Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel 奥氏体铬 ; 镍合金钢
nickel chrome steel nickel-chromium steel 镍铬钢
Nickel Chromium Manganese Steel 镍铬锰钢
nickel chromium molybdenum steel [材] 镍铬钼钢
chromium nickel molybdenum steel 镍铬钼钢 ; 铬镍钼钢
chromium nickel stainless steel 铬镍不锈钢 ; 铬镍系不锈钢
Stainless steel is a term used to describe high chromium and nickel-chromium steels.
Chromium nickel stainless steel is usually non - magnetic in the annealed state, some of which are magnetic after cold working.
But because the nickel is a scarce resource, it should try to use other alloying elements substitution of nickel chromium steel.