night owl 夜鹰 ; 夜猫子 ; 猫头鹰 ; 喜欢深夜活动的人
He is a night owl 他是一个夜猫子 ; 他是个夜猫子 ; 你是夜猫子
a night owl 夜猫子 ; 迟迟不睡者 ; 一群夜猫子
Night Owl Romance Reiviews 夜鹰罗曼史书评
Are a night owl 都是夜猫子 ; 是夜猫子
Night owl Club 夜猫子俱乐部
Group night owl 一群夜猫子
Night owl entertainment 夜猫子娱乐
You are a night owl 你是夜猫子
All is the night owl 都是夜猫子
It packs a snooze button for the rare little night owl.
This typical sleep pattern is usually referred to as the "night owl" schedule of sleep.
As a group, "night owl" types tend to eat less healthy food and take in more calories overall than early risers.