...乡思苦,思家病 Nostalgia ; Home-sickness 夜盲,昼视症 Nyctalopia ; Nyctamblopia ; Nyctotyphlosis ; Night-blindness ; Day-Vision 女子淫狂,求雄癖,慕男狂 Nymphomania ; Andromania ; Cytheromania ; Hysteromania ; Ovariomania ; Metroman...
night blindness [眼科] 夜盲 ; [眼科] 夜盲症 ; 夜昼 ; [中医] 雀目
congenital night blindness 先天性夜盲
Congenital stationary night blindness 先天性静止性夜盲 ; 先天性稳定性夜盲症
myopic night blindness 近视夜盲症
night blindness xerosis syndrome 夜盲干燥综合征
flecked retina-night blindness syndrome 斑点视网膜 ; 夜盲综合征
sparrow vision night blindness 雀目夜盲
acquired night blindness 后天性夜盲
同义词: nyctalopia moon blindness
以上来源于: WordNet
N [pathol] → a nontechnical term for nyctalopia
A similar test for night-blindness should be arranged in subdued light.
Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
Carrot is a good choice for having Vitamin A. but besides carrots, you can also have cabbage and lettuce which are also good sources of Vitamin A. Lack of Vitamin A can cause night blindness.
除了胡萝卜,卷心菜、生菜也是维生素A含量很高的食物。 身体缺少了维生素A,人会得夜盲症。