nitrogen mustard [有化] 氮芥 ; 双氯乙基甲胺 ; 第二次世界大战芥子气 ; 氮芥子气
nitrogen mustard hydrochloride 氮芥盐酸盐
Nitrogen mustard gas 盐酸氮芥 ; 氮芥子气
nitrogen mustard drugs 氮芥类药物
benzoic nitrogen mustard 苯甲酸氮芥
nitrogen mustard derivatives 氮芥衍生物
Or do we want to see the noble face of nitrogen mustard analogs which peace-loving men and women harnessed a few decades later into the first anticancer drugs [8]?
Milia in regressing plaques of mycosis fungoides:Provoked by topical nitrogen mustard or not?
Two new nitrogen mustard compounds using solanesylamines as the targeted carriers were first designed and synthesized.