《尼克松在中国》(Nixon in China)是一部在诸多方面不同歌剧。它是唯一一部剧作上演时剧中人物仍然健在歌剧;它描述了一个重要国际事件重现了许多敏感国际历史问题...
...佛这出九十分钟的独幕歌剧《死亡与力量》(Death and the Powers)使用高科技,让曾完美诠释 《尼克森在中国》(Nixon in China)的男中音马塔莱纳(James Maddalena)在剧中不是见不到人、就是观众几乎听不到他声音,但他的歌声却又从高科技的转换器清楚传到舞...
本报记者周静然纽约报道 原创歌剧《尼克逊在中国》(Nixon in China)在纽约大都会歌剧院演出六场,这是继09年后谭盾的《秦始皇》后,大都会歌剧院以中国历史故事为题材的原创歌剧,在本周三纽约首演...
China in Nixon 中国与尼克松
以上来源于: WordNet
The US President Richard Nixon paid an official visit to China, during which Sino-US joint communique was issued in Shanghai.
In the years that followed the historical visit, US president Richard Nixon made a landmark visit to China in 1972.
You know what Richard Nixon said when he was in China and was taken to the Great Wall?
His works over the years include the opera "Nixon in China."
VOA: special.2010.07.19
In this book he describes his efforts to restart diplomatic ties with China during the presidency of Richard Nixon in the early nineteen seventies.
VOA: special.2011.07.13
"In 1972,our first pandas arrived as a result of President Nixon and the relationship he built with China.
VOA: standard.2010.02.02