... unknown object type 未知的对象类型 no object name 对象没有命名 object coordinates error 对象坐标错误 ...
This structure element includes a field attribute but no name attribute, telling JiBX that the structure element is defining an object property with no corresponding element in the XML document.
这个structure元素包含一个field属性,但是不包含name属性,这告诉JiBX: structure元素正在定义的这个对象特性在XML文档中无对应的元素。
On the Sequence diagram the object boxes have no name preceding the ":." These are called anonymous objects.
When an object is referenced by an SQL statement, it is also implicitly qualified with the authorization ID of the issuer if no schema name is specified.
当 SQL 语句引用对象时,如果没有指定模式名,那么也会隐式地加上调用者的授权 ID。