... nominal effective sideband 额定有效功率 nominal load 额定负载/额定荷载 Nominal power 标称功率/额定功率 ...
... nominal change 名义变动〔租金〕 nominal load 额定荷载 nominal maximum aggregate size 标称最大骨料尺寸 ...
杜永平机械零件的强度第三章 机械零件的强度一、 基本概念1、 载荷(load)作用在零件上的外力公称载荷(nominal load)工作阻力的变动而计算出的载荷按理论力学方法计算出来的载荷用Fn、 Mn、 Tn表示计算载荷(calculated load)考虑动力参数、用Fca...
nominal load capacity [建] 额定载重量
nominal load-bearing capacity 额定承载力
nominal load current 额定负载电流
nominal failure load [力] 标称破坏荷重
nominal running load 正常运行负荷
nominal lifting load [机] 额定提升荷重
nominal l load 标称负载
Load nominal 额定
Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
The load transfer of B0+B0-B0+B0 locomotive with different traction schemes was calculated, basing on the definition of nominal and transitional and equivalent traction height.
With the detection system, traction load test not on the line is possible for the locomotive after mid-haul, and locomotive faults could be located as well that nominal parameters could be adjusted.