Non-determinism 非决定论 ; 非确定性
delay-non-determinism 时延不确定性
historical non-determinism 历史非决定论
non-determinism in history 历史非决定论
I conclude this introduction to JCSP with a simple example that demonstrates the use of JCSP guards to facilitate non-determinism in concurrent applications.
The non-determinism in this example is because of the fact that the output value is based on the values on the in and inject streams (and also on the sequence in which these values arrive).
这个示例中的非确定性是因为:output 的值基于 in 和 inject 流的值(同时还基于这些值到达的顺序)。
Oh, it turns out there's a puzzle piece that allows you to pick a random or as we'll start calling it soon a pseudorandom number scratch a dice or flip a coin, or give you a bit of non-determinism.