Nonferrous Alloy Casting 有色合金铸造 ; 有色铸造
nonferrous light alloy 有色轻合金
nonferrous metaland alloy pipe 有色金属合金管棒线材
nonferrous metals and alloy 有色金属及其合金
nonferrous metal and alloy ingotdefects 有色金属合金锭坯缺陷
nonferrous metaland alloy ingot homogenization 有色金属合金锭坯均匀化
nonferrous metal and alloy 有色金属及合金
nonferrous metaland alloy ingot defects 有色金属合金锭坯缺陷
Nonferrous alloy. A metal alloy for which iron is not the prime constituent.
The coating sand for cast iron and cast steel and collapsible coating sand for nonferrous alloy casting are also described.
Notes: 1. Generally no corrosion allowance is added for high alloy and nonferrous internals.