非参数检验(nonparametric test):非参数检验不依赖总体分布的具体形式,也可不考虑研究变量服从何种分布,以及分布是否已知,它不是对参数,而只是对分布进行比...
... nonparametric statistics 非参数统计 非母数统计 nonparametric test 非参数测定 nonparametric tests 非参数检验 ...
... nonparametric statistics 非参量统计 nonparametric test 非参数检定 nonparametric tolerance limit 非参数容许极限 ...
(如t-test, F- test,u-test)非参数检验方法(nonparametric test): 非参数检验方法不考虑总体的参数,也不考虑总体的分布,而 对总体的分布或分布位置进行检验。亦称任 意分布检验。
test nonparametric test 非参数检验
nonparametric statistical test 非参数检验 ; 非参数统计试验 ; 统计考验
nonparametric monte carlo test 非参数蒙特卡罗检验
nonparametric hypothesis test 非参数假设检验
Nonparametric cointegration test 非参数协整检验
nonparametric rank-sum test 检定
Nonparametric unit roots test 非参数单位根检验
Statistical significance was tested using One-way ANOVA and K Independent- Samples Nonparametric Test. Statistical significance was set at P values less than 0.05.
参考来源 - Syndecan·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Then the data were analyzed with the pattern recognition methods and nonparametric test.
Nonparametric test will be a good choice for this kind of data in testing the distribution of the population.
Also, we used the "K-S nonparametric test" and the statistical software SPSS to design the monitoring module, thus we could control the system's reliability in some degree.
同时,本文还将“单样本k - S非参数检验法”和统计学工具软件“SPSS”应用于汽车防盗监测模块的设计过程,使汽车防盗的可靠性能够在一定程度上得以控制。